Website Navigation & Search Features
Welcome to the updated website for Dekoron Wire & Cable! We hope the changes we've made prove to be helpful to you. The website now has more products, more background information, an overview of the major market segments we serve, and an brief history of our company.
We know that most visitors come here to find out more about a specific type of product, so we've streamlined the process for you. There are now several ways you can find the information you need. Dekoron has over 40,000 different part numbers in its current database, and we're adding to that everyday. Please understand that not all of these part numbers and their specifications are available on the website at this time. If you are looking for something, but cannot find it, please contact us - we probably already have the cable you need in our system. If we don't, we'll put our resources to work for you and design a cable to meet your specifications.
The new "Search Products" and "Browse All Products" functions, found at the top right of the page, are the easiest ways to find information for specific types of cables.
The "Search Products" function allows you to type in a cable type or family, a full or partial part number, and even keywords. If you search for a specific part number that is available on this website, the search function will provide you with a link to the information for that specific part number. If you search for a part number that is not on the website, a partial part number, or a cable type or family, the search function will return links to the appropriate cable types for your request.
For example, searching for "1874," the cable type or family for PVC-insulated, multi-pair, individual & overall shielded instrumentation cables, will provide you with multiple links to various cables in this family (such as various voltage ratings) - you can use the headings for each link to determine which is most appropriate for you.
Searching for "1874-62460," a full, valid part number of a product that is on this site, will provide you with the link to the information you need.
Additionally, searching for "1874-62560" (a full, valid part number, but not found on this site), "1874-64206" (an invalid part number), or "1874-624" (and incomplete part number) will all yield the same results as searching for the cable type or family, "1874."
Searching for keywords, such as "PVC," "multi-pair," "overall shield," or "600V" will provide you with links that feature these keywords. However, searching for keywords may not be as efficient as using the filter found in the "Browse All Products" function.
"Browse All Products" takes you to a page with numerous links to all of the various types of cables found on this site. On the left of the page, a filter is available to help drill down the search results. Know you need a 300V cable with XLPE insulation and Gardex® armor, but not sure what part number to search for? Use the filter to select "300V," "XLPE," and "Gardex®" from the appropriate sections, and you'll be provided with links to the products you need (such as the "2X5W" and "2X7W" families).
Again, please remember that Dekoron Wire & Cable has over 40,000 parts in its database currently, and this is growing every day! Not all these part numbers can be found on the website. In fact, not even all of our configurations - especially specialty and custom cables - are described here.
If you cannot find what you are looking for, please contact us for more assistance.